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Who We Serve

At Indie Law, we provide trademark services to a wide variety of industries. Our focus & experience ensures that your unique brand is protected, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Explore the industries we serve listed below, and see how we can help you protect your brand.

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Industries We Serve 


Coaches & Course Creators
Helping educators and trainers protect their course names and branding.

Marketing & PR Professionals
Securing unique brand identities for marketing agencies and PR firms.

Authors, Speakers & Podcasters
Protecting the titles and brands of authors, speakers, and podcasters.

Product Businesses
Navigating trademark laws to protect product-based brands.

Ensuring law firms’ names and logos are protected.

Physicians & Dentists
Trademarking business and event names for physician & dental practices.

Real Estate Professionals
Safeguarding the branding of real estate agencies and professionals.

Beauty Professionals
Protecting the brand names and logos of beauty services and products.

Web and Graphic Designers
Securing unique business names and logos for designers.

Wedding & Event Planners
Trademarking business and event names for planners.

Artists and Makers
Ensuring unique branding for artists and handmade product sellers.

Cannabis Companies
Navigating trademark laws to protect cannabis brands.


Don't see your industry?

Email us at [email protected]  to learn how we can help protect your unique brand.

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Without trademarks, you have ZERO rights to your brand.

That's right! As trademark attorneys, we know this too well. We’re talking business names, logos, slogans ... even podcast titles. Lots of entrepreneurs don’t protect their trademarks until it’s too late. So we made a short, free video to help you avoid the biggest, most dangerous mistakes that business owners make.

Wanna see it?


Client Testimonials

Here's what our clients have to say about us.

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Why Trust Indie Law to Protect Your Brand?


Trademarks Are Our Jam:

At Indie Law, we focus exclusively in trademark law, offering focused and experienced service. We're committed to being the best brand protectors and constantly improving to ensure an easy trademark process. We assist clients in all 50 states and help secure global trademark protection.

We Get it — Your Brand is Your Baby:

You've poured your heart into your business, and the trademark process is complex. DIY or cheap services like LegalZoom can be risky. Your time is valuable, and your brand's protection is crucial. With Indie Law, you'll avoid unexpected cease-and-desist orders or the need to rebrand.

Our Proven Track Record:

With over 1,000 trademarks filed and 140+ positive Google reviews, Indie Law is a trusted partner for entrepreneurs. Whether you're new to working with attorneys or have had bad experiences before, you can trust Indie Law to handle your brand with care.

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Gosh Darnit, People Like Us

Neil Tyra

"One of the great guys in the business of law, Joey Vitale and the folks at Indie Law just might make you rethink your opinion about lawyers. Easy to talk to, with a wealth of insight and information, and a diversity of strategies as to how to deliver legal services to his clients, Joey provides incredible value to the perspective creative entrepreneur."

Rated 5 out of 5 Stars

JoAnn Holmes

"I've practiced law for over 20 years. Without question, Joey is a smart lawyer who cares deeply about his clients. And importantly, he's a wonderful human! You're in good hands with Joey and his team."

Rated 5 out of 5 Stars

Omeed Tabiei

"Indie Law is a legend in the world of trademarks. They are one of the only firms that solely works on trademarks. Their wisdom and knowledge sit at the intersection of business, law and trademarks. Highly recommend working with Indie Law in any capacity."

Rated 5 out of 5 Stars

About Joey Vitale, Owner of Indie LawÂŽ

Joey Vitale is the CEO & Founding Trademark Attorney at Indie Law, a trademark law firm that helps you get peace of mind knowing you legally own your brand. He and his team are on a mission to be the best brand protectors they can be. Joey has filed well over 1,000 trademarks and earned 140+ 5 Star Google Reviews! In addition to being an award-winning trademark attorney, Joey is an internationally renowned speaker and a trusted business growth consultant. Joey has spoken to tens of thousands of people across the world. He has also been a repeat guest on popular podcasts and is the host of his own chart-topping podcast, The Passive Income Lawyer.

Learn More About Joey