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Joey Vitale

Award-Winning Trademark Lawyer
CEO & Founding Trademark Attorney at Indie Law®

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Joey Vitale, Trademark Attorney at Indie Law, a trademark law firm

I'm Joey Vitale

As an entrepreneur, I used to stay up at night in fear of scary “what ifs” that might put my business at risk … personnel issues, unfinished projects, denied legal applications.

At the time, I was offering a wide variety of services under the “business law” umbrella, from contracts and entity formations to partnership disputes and intellectual property protections. The buck stopped with me for all of my clients’ legal and business needs.

And then one day a Indie Law client – who did not have a trademark registration for her brand – called me in tears.

She’d gotten a cease and desist from someone who DID formally trademark the brand she’d been using. But because they beat her to it, she had to shut down her entire business operation immediately.

It was heartbreaking beyond words.

That’s when I decided I wanted to go full force into establishing a trademark law firm: making it my mission to help keep good people from losing what they worked so hard to build.

Did You Know?

Without trademarks, you have ZERO rights to your brand. Trademark attorneys know this too well. We’re talking business names, logos, slogans . . . even podcast titles.

Lots of entrepreneurs don’t protect their trademarks until it’s too late. Don’t be one of them.

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This was a scary transition.

Going out on your own as an entrepreneur is terrifying enough… going all in on a niche and wondering if you’ll have enough trademark clients is a whole other level of scary.

As it turns out, choosing a “niche” to focus on was a game-changer for me – and for my business.

I was able to learn absolutely everything there is to know about this specific area of the law. And I was able to provide trademark services, grow my business to include a team of AMAZING people to help make this trademark process not just tolerable for our clients, but a total delight.

We recently completed our 1000th trademark application. Our clients who chose our trademark law firm are thriving. And my team is constantly working to perfect our trademark process into one that truly sets us apart from other trademark firms – and makes things easier on our end, too.

As for me…

I’m no longer waking up in a “what if” panic at night.

Because I know that my trademark client’s brands are safe and protected.


  • St. Louis University School of Law, 2014 J.D.
  • Xavier University, 2011 Honors B.A., English and the Philosophy, Politics & The Public Honors Program
  • American Bar Association
  • Illinois State Bar Association
  • Chicago Bar Association
  • Bar Association of St. Louis, Young Lawyers Division, Award of Merit
  • 20 on the Rise Winner, from the Rising Tide Society

Trademarks are my jam.

Trademarks are a tricky and unique area of the law, unlike any other. 

Most lawyers just don’t understand the ins and outs of brand protection. 

I do.

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Award-winning Trademark Law Firm, Joey Vitale, Trademark Attorney talking with and laughing with another two people







Award-winning trademark law firm, image of various reputable podcasts Indie Law have been on



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Award-winning Trademark Law Firm, image of Joey, Trademark Attorney, leaning against a wall and the words "The Business Growth Advantage"

More About Joey Vitale

Joey Vitale is the CEO & Founding Trademark Attorney at Indie Law, a trademark law firm that helps you get peace of mind knowing you legally own your brand. He and his team are on a mission to be the best brand protectors they can be, and they’ve filed well over 1,000 trademarks. In addition to being an award-winning attorney, Joey is an internationally renowned speaker and a trusted business growth consultant. Joey has spoken to tens of thousands of people across the world. He has also been a repeat guest on popular podcasts and is the host of his own chart-topping podcast, The Passive Income Lawyer.